

Let’s presume that you are using PHP dotenv to load environment variables from a file named .env. In this case, you need to add the following variables:


The next step is to create a new Configuration instance like in the example bellow:


use VasilDakov\Speedy;

// configuration
$configuration = new Configuration(
    username: $_ENV['SPEEDY_USERNAME'],
    password: $_ENV['SPEEDY_PASSWORD'],
    language: $_ENV['SPEEDY_LANGUAGE']

Configuring Speedy Client

The final step is to configure the Speedy client. The client can be configured with any PSR-18 HTTP Client and PSR-17 HTTP Factory:

Example with Guzzle HTTP Client and Laminas Diactoros


use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Laminas\Diactoros\RequestFactory;

$client  = new Client(); // PSR-18 HTTP Client
$factory = new RequestFactory(); // PSR-17 HTTP Factory
$speedy  = new Speedy($configuration, $client, $factory);

Example with Symfony HTTP Client and Nyholm HTTP Factory


use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;

$client  = new Psr18Client(); // PSR-18 HTTP Client
$factory = new Psr17Factory(); // PSR-17 HTTP Factory
$speedy  = new Speedy($configuration, $client, $factory);

Making a Request

Once you have configured the client, you can proceed to make your first request. By default, each method returns the data in JSON, which can then be utilized as a simple PHP array or deserialized into the PHP model.


// use an array
$request = new GetContractClientsRequest(clientSystemId: "1234567");
$json = $speedy->getContractClient($request);
$array = json_decode($json, true);

Processing the Response

The client API always returns the raw JSON response received from the endpoint. The JSON can be used as it is, decoded into a PHP associative array, or deserialized into a model object.

Deserialization can be achieved in two different ways: 1) by using the serializer, or 2) by decorating the original Speedy client with the SpeedyModelDecorator.

Using serializer:


$json = $speedy->getContractClient($request); # json

$serializer = (new SerializerFactory())(); # JMS\Serializer\SerializerInterface

$response = $serializer->deserialize(
    data: $json,
    type: GetContractClientsResponse::class,
    format: 'json'
); # GetContractClientsResponse

Instead of calling the serializer every time, you can enhance the original Speedy client by decorating it with the SpeedyModelDecorator. This enhancement makes the responses more convenient, predictable and easy to use.

Using the PHP model